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Arianna Bertoncelli

Hello I am Arianna Bertoncelli. I am reporter in today it. and i am speaker of radio and owner of wonder jewelry.

1. Name: Arianna Bertoncelli
2. Age: 29
3. Religion: Christian 

4. Education: Some College
5. Drinks: Yes
6. Smoke:  Yes 

7. Hobby: Model 
8. Interested: Money 
9. Occupation: Business and job

10. Gender: Female
11. Marital Status: Single 
12. Family Member: 4

13. Relationship: I want good person who care of me. 
14. Home town: Roma
15. Country: Italy. 
  This is about making excuses.
We made our way down to the frozen lake,
over the slick rock steps
to the slant of wood that connected the overhang to the dock.
We clung to its frozen wet rail,
which bit at our gloveless fingers,
yet supported us on the steep decline.
            Swing dancing, and at
            the haunted house.
           I chased you on the playground,
            and you listened to my fears.
and worried as our feet forgot us. If we slipped
we’d plummet into the water.
We leapt         
        You shared
        my secret.
from the dock, onto the rocky shore, barricaded by the steep cliff,
littered with climbing vines and coke cans.
       You can be so oblivious.
There, we collected rocks,
and experimented,
launching and flinging them over the ice.
       You shifted.
Some hopped a few times, others exploded to dust and pebbles,
as others impaled themselves in the surface,
stuck sideways,
sticking in the water
and sticking out.
        I guess you didn’t know any better.
The big rocks sank right through the ice,
not a single icy crack left behind,
only rock-prints in their stead.
        You grew up faster than I did,
        and left me trailing in your dust. You
Water gurgled up through the holes and
the air bubbles beneath the ice
        seemed to flee from me,
       far from me,
       and to an anti-you.
swam from hole to hole like stingrays,
fanning out their fins.
         Perhaps I imagine, or overreact,
         but you boarder the unrecognizable.
causing other holes to cough and spurt.
         you used to be wonderfully naïve,
         but no more
We went to the high dock, too.
         You promised you wouldn’t forget me.
          I begged you to promise again, but
That was the hardest part.
One of us heaved a boulder to the upper deck and
hurled it from the edge.
          I shifted too.
It left a magnificent imprint.
We laughed
          It’s difficult to readjust.
until we saw the fish,
stiff and white,
float up to the surface with the air bubbles.
We paused
        This is about coping.
and laughed again,
only different this time.


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