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Adalyn Jelita

Hello I am Adalyn Jelita.

1. Name: Adalyn Jelita
2. Age: 22 
3. Religion: Islam

4. Education: College in Graduate 
5. Drinks: Yea am all time drinks in mineral water and something juice. hahahah do you like this 
  6. Smoke: No way

7. Hobby: I like soccer game but maybe it's not possible for me. 
8. Interested: Soccer, Watch Television and sing  a song. 
9. Occupation: Student. 

10. Gender: Female 
11. Marital Status: Single 
12. Family Member: Me my tow sister and two brother, Father and mom. total 7. it's big and join family.  

13. Relationship: I am muslim than it's not possible for me. but i love all people in the sake of allah. 
14. Home town: Jakarta. 
15. Country: Indonesia. 

In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
When there comes God’s victory, and conquest. And you see the people entering God’s religion in multitudes. Then celebrate the praise of your Lord, and seek His forgiveness. He is the Accepter of Repentance.
Thanks for visiting my page. if you like me to sake of allah than comment my post than i contact to you thanks. 

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